Business Tips: Using forecasting to help your decision-making
Good-quality forecasting can be just as useful, giving you an informed view of the future of your business and finances. Read More…
By Kimberley Butler
Are you eligible to apply?
The NSW Government have announced that landlords who have reduced their tenants rent due to Covid-19 may be eligible for land tax relief.
Landlords who have reduced the rent of commercial and residential tenants affected by Covid-19 between 1 April 2020 and 30 September 2020 and do not require the rent to be paid back may be eligible.
The relief includes a reduction of up to 25% of the land tax payable for the 2020 land tax year and deferral of payments by up to 3 months.
Further details including how to apply can be found here.
Cadet Accountant
Business Tips: Using forecasting to help your decision-making
Good-quality forecasting can be just as useful, giving you an informed view of the future of your business and finances. Read More…
Deductions for Primary Producers
If you're a primary producer in Australia, you probably know that most capital expenses—like farm buildings, equipment, and infrastructure—are depreciated over multiple years. Read More…
How to optimise your business: Build on those customer relationships.
Customers are the bedrock of your business, and building better relationships with your customers is a keyway to optimise your business for the future Read More…