Team planning day

Posted 3 Aug '23

Team planning day

At the start of each financial year we take a day out as a firm to plan for the year ahead and have a little bit of fun. 

We spent time reflecting on the year and planning for the upcoming year. We also combined some of our favourite activities from past team planning days - a team scavenger hunt with a Lego challenge. Teams were sent out with some cryptic clues (maybe a little too cryptic!) to lead them to three local locations across Wagga. Once they found there way to each location they were given a random bag of Lego. When they returned to our training location, they received the instructions and set about building their lovely Lego creatures. The winning team's prize was the coveted bragging rights. Next time you come into our office, you might see some of our creations brightening things up!

Jason Frost, from Pro-Patria, came to speak with us about the fabulous and groundbreaking work they are doing to support our defence veterans and first responders. It was great to hear how things are progressing since Pitch Up Wagga

To finish off the day, we went ten-pin bowling. Needless to say, I don't think any of us will be giving up our accounting career to become ten pin bowlers! However, the objective of having some fun together was definitely achieved!

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