Steven Castelletto


Steven worked at an accounting firm in Griffith prior to moving to Wagga to complete his studies. He has been with WDF since late 2016.

Steven enjoys working directly with clients to assist them in improving business processes to make a tangible difference. He knows that using and understanding good business software will enable clients to get better insight into their business performance and it can save time. Steven feels very rewarded when a client can stop worrying about the books and focus on what makes a positive impact in their life.

With a degree in information technology as well as accounting, it is no surprise that Steven is very data driven and a natural problem solver. He is very curious and likes to know how things tick. This helps to achieve the best positive outcome for his clients.

Away from work Steven enjoys hockey and has been treasurer for his hockey club in the past. His keen interest in IT has developed from a young age. He enjoys building computers and websites. During summer Steven can be found nurturing the best-lawn-in-Wagga and playing sport in the cooler months.